A few forward-thinking companies are reaping the rewards of truly outstanding behaviour in the even more fickle business-to-business realm. Business is a lot like chess, a battle in which outmaneuvering your opponent requires a delicate balance of advance planning and responsiveness to unexpected moves. Success depends on confident and flawless execution of specific opening, middle, and endgame strategies. Wage the battle properly and you will achieve checkmate-securing that deal, winning that contract, and knocking your competitiors off the board once and for all. What can you present to a potential client that will set you head and shoulders above the rest? It's outstanding behaviour. "The Behavioral Advantage" reveals the secrets of exemplary business-to-business companies whose extraordinary and lasting success is attributable to exceptional behavior at the individual and organizational levels. This book is packed with examples of how behavioral differentiation propels leading organizations and many other blue-ribbon companies who, whether they offer products, services, or both, represent the pinnacle of customer-focused behaviour.