Michael Savage is not a fan of the Obama administration. He believes that our current government is causing serious rifts among the American people regarding race, ethnicity, religion and income. In addition, as the government gets bigger and more intrusive, it is stepping on our civil liberties and constitutional rights.
For example, as we are constantly bombarded with ideologically skewed misrepresentations of the importance of gun control in reducing mass killing, the U.S. Social Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security are purchasing billions of rounds of ammunition, including hollow point bullets so lethal they're banned by the Geneva Convention. In addition, DHS has ordered 2,700 light armored tanks to complement the billion-bullet purchase. What is this for?
When asked about the ammunition purchases, member of Congress, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano declined to answer questions. The truth is needed in order to keep this administration from gaining control of the House of Representatives and keeping control of the Senate, and the mainstream will not help, they continue to block any news that does not support Obama's agenda.