Kevin and Jackie Freiberg's award-winning books profile gutsy leaders who dare to dream big, flll a room with energy and do things others say can’t be done. A blend of rigorous research grounded in real-world strategies and memorable storytelling, their books will stretch your thinking, engage your imagination and challenge you to do something now.
If you’re up for a deep dive into how Southwest Airlines became the greatest success story in the history of commercial aviation, the mind-blowing culture of the $3b SAS Institute, what India’s Tata Motors did to produce a $2500 car, the CAUSE that catapulted National Life into one of the fastest growing insurance companies in America, or how the San Francisco Giants rose from the brink of disaster to become one of the most successful, enduring sports franchises in the world…the Freibergs will take you behind the scenes.
If you want to STAND OUT instead of fitting into a sea of sameness, make things happen instead of making excuses and be indispensable instead being someone who won’t be missed…their books show you how.