Robert Foster was born in Brooklyn, New York. As a teenager, he discovered The Lord of the Rings in his public library, and was an original member of the Tolkien Society of America. Foster's interest in etymology led him to compile a glossary of every name, place, object and event that appears in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, which in 1966 appeared in the Tolkien fanzine, Niekas. He was an Assistant Professor of English at Rutgers University, New Jersey, but since retirement he has pursued his interest in family history.
Ted Nasmith has had a passionate interest in Tolkien since 1970, having first read The Lord of the Rings as a young art student. With dozens of high realism gouache scenes of Middle-earth painted over four decades, he has gained a worldwide reputation in the genre. His work has been published in numerous Tolkien calendars since 1987, and in the acclaimed illustrated edition of The Silmarillion and, most recently, the illustrated Unfinished Tales