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Author Information:

Kyra Sundance: dog trainer, performer, international bestselling author KYRA SUNDANCE is a world-acclaimed Stunt Dog Show performer, celebrity dog trainer, and internationally bestselling author, based in Palmdale, California. Sundance Dog Team Kyra's world-acclaimed acrobatic Stunt Dog Team performs on premier stages internationally at circuses, professional sports halftime shows, and on television shows such as The Tonight Show (twice), Ellen, ET, Worldwide Fido Awards, Animal Planet, Showdog Moms & Dads, and more. Kyra and her dogs starred in Disney's Underdog stage show, and starred in a command performance in Marrakech for the King of Morocco. Kyra is nationally ranked in competitive dog sports, works as a set trainer for dog actors, and lectures for international professional dog organizations. Kyra authored many popular books including the international besteller 101 Dog Tricks (translated into 15 languages), 51 Puppy Tricks, The Dog Tricks and Training Workbook,The Dog Rules, and 101 Ways to Do More With Your Dog. Kyra stars in several award winning DVDs including Best of 101 Dog Tricks and Best Puppy Tricks which are sold at Petsmart and Petco. As an animal spokesperson, Kyra serves as a media pet expert, hosts animal events and makes media and celebrity appearances. Kyra is a marathon runner, former gymnast and windsurfing instructor for Club Med, a graduate of UCLA, was a technology director for Learning Tree International, and is a partner in a media technology firm. Her current projects include a book about dog sports, and a DVD about ways to get fit along with your dog. Kyra and her Weimaraners Chalcy and Jadie live with Kyra's husband on a ranch in California's Mojave desert.

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